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Commercial Insurance

Commercial Insurance Chandler, Tx
Commercial Insurance Athens Texas
General Liabiltiy Athens Texas
Commercial Insurance Chandler Texas

Contact Us Today for Your Commercial Insurance Quote!

Why The Nolen Agency?

Most insurance agencies can only compare one or two companies. When you get a quote from The Nolen Agency Insurance we don't just check one company, we check several! Give us your information once and our professional agents will go to work finding the best insurance for you!

"We Shop Multiple Companies To Get You The Best Rate!"

We Provide Commercial Insurance for:
Chandler, Tx - Athens, Tx and all of the East Texas Region

The Nolen Agency Insurance can design a specialized Commercial Insurance package according to your property, liability, and casualty needs. We are also proactive in identifying any factors that may increase your premiums or change your risk, and provide consulting and risk management options to protect your business.

Whether you are a retailer, wholesaler, contractor, or electrician, we can tailor a package to meet your specific needs and requirements.

Get A Commercial Insurance Quote Today!
Commercial Insurance Chandler Tx
Commercial Insurance Athens Tx

Want to Know More about Commercial Insurance?

General Liability Insurance

Commercial general liability insurance is a must-have for any business. When you're managing employees, clients, suppliers, investors, merchandise, and more, the possibility of accidents, injuries, and lawsuits is unavoidably ever-present. Even smaller companies are at risk of such incidents.

Regardless of the size of your business, you should remain aware of the financial perils you expose yourself to if you choose not buy professional liability insurance for your company. The commercial insurance experts at The Nolen Agency Insurance will make sure you understand all the risks and will help you identify the right policy for you and your business.

Commercial general liability insurance coverage protects your business against the cost of bodily injuries or property damage caused by conditions at your building, operations in progress, and completed operations. In addition, it covers costs related to advertising injury (e.g. slander). The Nolen Agency Insurance will analyze your company's perceived risk as well as any previous legal history you may have in order to determine how much general liability coverage is appropriate for you.

Commercial Property Insurance

Opening a business can be one of the most rewarding events in a person's life. The pride of putting your name on your own company, hiring staff to help make your vision a reality, and investing in a building to serve as your office are all exciting moments. But what if it were all taken away? What if a storm or burglary or all-too-common accident in your workplace destroyed your building, your belongings, your equipment, and even your commodities? How would you rebuild? Will the cost be too much to justify starting over? The commercial insurance professonals at The Nolen Agency Insurance hope you never have to find out, but in case you do, we want to be there to make the rebuilding process go smoothly.
Business property insurance coverage protects you and your company's physical assets and the continuity of your business operations regardless of whether or not you own, rent, or lease your building against general claims dealing with property damage. These policies protect all types of commercial properties, including offices and warehouses


  • Fire, lightning, windstorms, and other weather-related disasters

  • Damage caused by vehicle or aircraft accidents

  • Burglaries, vandalism, and other forms of civil disturbance

  • Other emergencies, including water damage from burst pipes or sprinkler malfunctions, and structural collapse

Commercial Auto Insurance

Whether your corporate vehicles shuttle employees to and from meetings, deliver your products to retailers across town, or transport equipment your company uses to provide services to your clients, a solid corporate auto insurance policy is a necessity. Most Texans have significant commutes every day, so the notion of an accident on the road affecting even the best Texas driver is not far-fetched. The commercial insurance experts at The Nolen Agency Insurance can help identify the ideal business auto insurance policy for your company's fleet.
Most commercial auto insurance policies cover the basics found in personal auto insurance as well. With commercial insurance, these elements apply to both company vehicles and non-company vehicles involved.


Our business car insurance policies handle:

  • Collision coverage for you and other cars involved in the accident

  • Coverage for both uninsured and underinsured drivers

  • Allowances for rental cars

  • Medical coverage for you and other drivers involved in your accident

  • General automobile liability

Commercial Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella Insurance policies are imperative for business. When a catastrophic liability loss occurs, an umbrella insurance policy can mean the difference between a business surviving, or not.

The rising costs of lawsuits and judgments are important for today's business owner to consider. Catastrophic liability losses can happen to any business at any time, and a commercial umbrella policy protects you when those losses exceed your basic liability coverage. The time and effort you have taken to build your business is too important for it to disappear after one unforeseen event.

Commercial Umbrella helps you protect your assets by providing liability limits above and beyond your other insurance policies. In some cases, it even broadens your protection.

Excess Liability Coverage

This coverage provides extra liability limits over an Umbrella policy. This coverage typically follows the terms of the first underlying insurance policy.

Who needs Excess Liability Coverage?

Higher limits may be necessary for businesses with high loss potential, high profile, sizable sales, numerous assets, large auto fleets, worldwide presence, and/or significant public exposure.

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