Why The Nolen Agency?
Most Insurance agencies can only compare one or two companies. When you get a quote from The Nolen Agency Insurance we don't just check one company, we check several! Give us your information once and our professional agents will go to work finding the best insurance for you!
"We Shop Multiple Companies To Get You The Best Rate!"
We Provide Boat Insurance for:
Chandler, Tx - Athens, Tx and all of the East Texas Region
The Nolen Agency Insurance can help make your time on the water relaxed and worry-free. We will find you comprehensive protection that protects you, your friends and family, your watercraft and your boating equipment. The average boat costs less than a dollar a day to insure. You’ll enjoy being on the water even more when you aren’t worried about your safety, the safety of your passengers, or your investment.
Do you know what to look for in a Boat Insurance policy? We can help you determine the right amount of coverage to meet your specific needs.
Get A Boat Insurance Quote Today!

Is your Boat really covered?
Are you making decisions on the open water that leave you open to risks? Without comprehensive boat insurance in East Texas you may not be covered in many situations that come up on your boat.
If you spend your free time out on the water make sure that your insurance coverage extends beyond the dock.
Our boat insurance is specifically designed for the watercraft owner and coverage includes:
Collision Insurance
Boat Liability Insurance
On-Craft Medical Coverage
Towing and Assistance Costs
You may be thinking about the costs to get this coverage but since you can customize watercraft insurance to exactly your needs, you'll never pay more than you have to.
Boat Insurance offers comprehensive coverage to all owners of boats, yachts and small water vehicles. This policy can include options to protect you against breakdowns, accidents, uninsured boat owners and medical costs.
Let a professional agent at The Nolen Agency Insurance help you with your Boat Insurance coverage.